Sunday, January 14, 2007

School Daze

School started. Here are the highlights.

Spanish: Began class with a little get to know you exercise. It was to go like this: you introduce yourself to your partner, they introduce themselves, then you talk about your holiday break a bit. My partner, Katie, begins. It was my turn to speak and what came out of my mouth? You bet it wasn't Spanish; it was French. I guess there was some latent vocab pushing its way out in protest of this Spanish stuff I have been trying to learn. Not a terribly good sign.

Shakespeare: Introductions. We were to go around the class and state our name and which character in which Shakespearean play we would act if we could choose any character. Well, the class is going around pulling out all these obscure characters, chosen for their deceit, or craziness or whatever typical Shakespearean trait the character had. The ball came to me. I froze. My knowledge of Shakespeare is extremely limited compared to these people, who apparently don't even need this class. I thought and I thought and I couldn't think of anyone. So I said "that blind fortuneteller in King Lear, I can't remember his name." "Good," I thought. Well there is no blind fortuneteller in King Lear and I was thinking of Tyreseus in Oedipus Rex (not Shakespeare) and confusing him with the blinded Gloucester. Oh how I went red. I handled it fairly well, laughing it off and sort of covering my choice, but still, not good.

Other Classes: Nothing too eventful yet. Still have 3.5 more dreadful months to go so, there's still time.

Today's photo is the lovely backside of a head whose colors blogger has once again destroyed.

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...

Is that Mandy?