Friday, November 17, 2006

Slip of the Brain

Today as I was driving to work I saw a truck with a license plate that read "JROTC." I got to thinking about what ROTC meant. I have heard it since high school at least and quite probably even before then. I have no idea what it means acronymically (I know what it means figuratively; the whole military preparation situation.) So I thought who could I ask? My Dad was in the ROTC, I'll just ask him when I get home. As many of you know this is a ridiculous sentiment as my Dad died 7 years ago. This is one of those strange, rare times when I fully realize that I do indeed miss my Dad, that he is still on my mind, even if it is only subconscious slips. I don't think I can type how weird it felt to think to ask my Dad something, and then realize that I haven't asked him something for quite some time. Still, I sit here thinking about it, wanting to write more to try and flesh out my ideas, but there is no way to fully verbalize how it makes me feel. It is almost like it is an inconvenience that he is gone, I can't ask his advice. That is getting sort of close.
Today's picture is a picture of my Dad, In memorium I suppose.
Well, Check back later for the picture because blogger is being a bogger and won't let me upload the photo for some reason. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks.
Yeah! It worked.

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