Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Potty Break

So today, I had to see a man about a tree after my Spanish class. Mi CompaƱero de clase went in a few seconds before I did (He was unzipped and straddling a urinal just as I walked in). I walked over to a urinal two urinals away. This was in the OSH building and if you are unaware of the OSH men's bathroom situation, the walls are lined with urinals with no dividers. This is a highly uncomfortable situation. So I walk over to my urinal and wait. I wait. He waits. No sounds yet. I wait some more. He waits some more. We are the only two occupants of this restroom. We wait some more. "Greg you're giving me stage fright dude. I'm going over here," he says as he walks to some urinals lining another wall, still grasping his special purpose. I was laughing very hard at this point which was not helping the urination situation. I wait a little longer. He waits a little longer...then Yesss!! I begin. Shortly thereafter I hear him start to trickle. It was a major battle but through Perserverance we conquered our fears. I don't know if I'll be able to look at him in the eye tomorrow.
Second bit of potty humor related stuff: In my linguistics class there are a good number of people. It is held in a medium sized room filled half to capacity. I generally sit mid-back; I experimented with alternate placements but this is where I felt comfortable. For the past three weeks someone has had a small leak in their bum-hole. Every five minutes or so a very unpleasant smell creeps into my nose. These are not brush it off, not so bad, move on farts; these are old, stale, musty, dusty, thick, cling to your clothes farts. It is creating an unbearable learning environment. I thought I narrowed down who it was so I moved. Simple. But the bastard decided to move also, right behind me. So the next day I moved again. Again, within a very near proximity. Well this is becoming unbearable, and I think this fellow has it out for me. Even today I was unable to shake the The Fartinator, and I think I am starting to forget stuff. I am going to try a drastically different position next Tuesday and see what happens.

Today's picture of the post is of course potty themed: it is a potty (The wooden shack on the right). This is the potty at the saddle of the Grand Teton. You have to pack out your poop (eeeewwwwww) so they made a convenient method for pooping in a bag. You wrap this special bag (that comes equipped with toilet paper and a moist towelette) around the rim of the throne and go to it. Then you seal it up and put it in your pack next to your bagels. I must say however, that this was the 100% most scenic office work I have ever done.

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...

Ryan told me yesterday that he saw someone living my dream: a guy in a business suit peeing in a public bathroom with his pants down around his ankles. He took a picture with his phone and I want it.