Monday, November 13, 2006

Dreams with everyone

Would you look at that; two days in a row.
Last night I had a dream that started everybody in my life that I don't know but am very aware of. To clarify: There are certain people in school, public transit, work, life, etc who I take a keen awareness of for no particular reason. I become very interested in this person(s) and observe them whenever we are near. I rarely get to know these people because it is just hard for me to approach people, so they remain faces with personalities only exposited by their actions. A weird thing about this is that I will see these people all over town in different settings than my normal observation setting. I never know if I should nod a hello. Is it possible they observe me as well?
So this dream was like a theatrical exposition of these various members of my karass. The setting was my elementary school playground (note: I have a remarkable number of dreams whose setting is my elementary school playground, but it is always a way cooler playground than it really is.) and all these loosly associated people were walking around doing "things." I can't remember what it all was, but some were in swim trunks doing tricks with blocks of wood, some were riding unicycles, some were just wandering around as far as I can remember.
Perhaps this dream is telling me that I am creepy and I should stop observing (stalking?) people in my classes and on the bus.
I chose this post's photo because Peter pulled out his finest male model pose just for this occasion, while the other two of us are not exactly at our prime. What a sweety.

1 comment:

napalmbrain said...

Niiiice. Loved the Kurt Vonnegut Referrence. Now 'scuse, I gotta get back to slashing and burning.