Sunday, November 12, 2006

Oh to be relaxed forever

So in contrast to my whining post about not having enough time to do any extracurricular activites (I may have exaggerated a little) I will tell the tale of my trip to Moab, UT from 11/3 to 11/5. Maybe I will just highlight the good stuff. We got down to our campsite friday late so we didn't do any outdoor playing that night.
Friday Morning we packed up the gear and went to Klondike Bluffs to do some biking. It was an excellent ride. A mix of sand, dirt, slickrock, whoopty doos, hills, drops, and fun. It takes you to the back side of Arches Nat'l Park and you can hike in (without paying, truly amazing) and check out the backside (snicker) of Arches.
After that we headed down the Potash road to Wall Street where we did some climbing. It was some good old sandstone crack climbing fun. We met some fellows from Switzerland (who I thought were speaking French, but others said they speak German [or Swiss-German] in Switzerland. Any clarification?) They took a month off from work to climb and ski in UT. What a wonderful thing it is that people take time off from Switzerland to come to Utah.
We packed up and went to Pasta Jay's for some delicious pasta. I had Tortellone that was soooo good. It may not have been THAT good but I was incredibly starving and it made me very, very happy. Joelle (friend of friend who I went with) got a creamy pesto with tortellone and chicken that really was out of this world. I have never had a creamy pesto.
We thought about going to the Moab Folk Festival until we found out it was $30.00 US. Are you crazy Moab Folk Festival? I'm not paying $30.00 to see some guy with a guitar sing about his troubles.
So we went back to camp. I sat and looked at the fire while others read or conversed.
We went to bed.
We woke up (although Kristen [friend who I new] slept for like an hour after everyone else was up.) and then we headed out.

Let me just say that the importance of this trip is beyond words. I rarely feel so rejuvinated after a trip. I came back 100% relaxed with a new outlook on life, school and everything. I felt like I took a shower for the first time in months. Why can't it last forever?
p.s. I didn't have my camera during our action outings so I am posting one of my artsy fartsy photos from camp.

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