Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I've been kicked in the behind to get going

Thanks to Peter's little subtle yet effective kick in the pants, I am back on the blog bandwagon. (It may seem I was never on the wagon in the first place. I think I was trying to catch the wagon as it sped off into the dusty distance). So to kick off my rejuvinated blogging spirit, I feel it appropriate to explain my absence. I began this blog to keep as a sketch pad and a document of life's happenings as many people do. The genesis of my blog was a few days before the school year started and I had a few hours of unscripted free time every day that I felt I could devote to writing in a nice blog for my homies and homettes. It turns out when I started school, my few hours of unscripted time became a negative few hours of unscripted time. I'm not kidding here folks, I had so little time that showers seemed like a major chunk of down time. This isn't "Oh I'm so busy, I can only watch one episode of Lost tonight and then talk to my girlfriend on the phone for an hour and then I have to do two math problems." Boo Freakin' Hoo I say. I have had no time for any Greg time. Weekends have become particularly sweet however. Every movie seen seems like an Oscar winner, every meal so succulent I feel like dying, every second spent with good friends a relief from the pains of constant cognitive load (remind me to tell you about my Moab trip last weekend).
I exagerate a little, perhaps adding a little drama to the play; but not really. I had one thing that was extracurricular that contributed to my lack of blog writing. I began a little something I like to call the "Daily Dose". My friend Sam, his brother and father Dan and John, and I took advise from Bradbury and made a pact to create some sort of creative work every day. Each of us had our own limits. Mine, at least a page of creative or essayic writing. Sam, Compose something, like 15 sec. was his limit. Dan, Visual art of some sort whether it be gessoing a canvas or sketching or taking lovely pictures. John, pretty much anything but he is a writer.
So I have taken about an hour or two to work on these creative endeavors. Sorry to all my (one) blog enthusiasts. I will now sacrifice my showers so that I can write a little something here, something un-selfconscious.
And as promised, a picture of one of my most favorite places on earth, The Spiral Jetty

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