No, I wasn't really in retirement, more like a sabbatical. Whenever school comes around I 'think' I lose interest in blogging, when in actuality I yearn for it as a creative escape to keep my essay skills pumping. For some reason, the procrastination bug hits hard when school starts. This is the opposite of quality genetic cognitive evolution; I should be thwarting the procrastination bug during the school year rather than nurturing it. So here I am to start the blogging year off. I was going to start with something else that has been burning a hole in my brain, but I will save it for later so as to provide incentive to continue on the consistent post schedule.
I generally don't give this type of internet social game passing stuff the time of day, but it originated from a long time good friend and was passed on to me by another long time good friend. I am supposed to reveal 6 things about me for some reason. So I am going to pour my concentric circle shaped soul out and reveal a thing or two for the WHOLE WORLD to see. People say the internet has stolen privacy. The thing with that is someone has to actually read this blog to find anything out. On to the list.
1. I really enjoy the following television programs - Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. I can't explain it. I have all of these opinions and worries and cares for these unknown people. I can watch multiple episode marathons without even a second thought.
2. I have always hated going to church, yet for some reason I am still compelled to go. Don't ask me why on either count because I can't give you an answer.
3. I am not afraid of dying - at all. In fact I look forward to it quite a bit.
4. I have always wanted to see the US South. Associated with that, I also will not rest until I see fireflies in real life and catch some in a glass jar and look at them wistfully as a dream of a time when I can move to the city.
5. I cried when I watched Cool Runnings. I cry at a lot of movies and at silly times too.
6. I used to be an incredibly lazy kid. Those of you who see my current activity strewn lifestyle may find this odd. Indeed I love nothing better than being outside doing something - whether it be climbing, biking, hiking, writing, or balancing - but as an elementary school kid I was 100% stereotype american. 1 such case study. I was enrolled in this after school science class where we dissected animals and learned about biology. Well, one day I sluffed class because I really wanted some tortilla chips with melted cheese on top and a coke in a glass bottle (yes, this was when glass bottles were still de rigeur). So I sluffed class to go eat chips and watch TV. I am not proud of my excesses. Perhaps that is why I am so invigorated by physical activity (activities of the brain count as well as I led a sedentary brain life as a kid as well) and it may also explain number 1 above.
That is my soul as of 11:27, January 27 2008.
Toblog's photo is a picture that I took of a down cluster that got me 50% off of a certain brand of outdoor equipment.
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