We’ve been talking about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in my Lit Hist class. We came to the scene where the monster kills Elizabeth, Frankenstein’s wife to be, in her bedroom where she and Frankenstein were meant to consummate their marriage. Our professor was fishing for an analysis that was of a sexual nature, which was fairly interesting. There’s this girl, this girl who says stuff just to say stuff, I mean real off the subject, personal experience type stuff that is just diarrhea of the mouth. The professor is searching for some connection between the ways Frankenstein describes how he felt when he heard Elizabeth scream and, basically, an orgasm. This girl raises her hand and goes on this rant about how Frankenstein was happy that she was dead and that he was more obsessed with his pistol yadda yadda. The jewel is that everyone was thinking of innuendo at the moment, except her, and she kept saying how Frankenstein was more interested in grabbing his pistol or stroking his pistol rather than saving Elizabeth. Well, a few others and I lost it. We just started cracking up as she kept saying how the big monster was able to penetrate Elizabeth’s safety zone and Frankenstein was more interested in his pistol. Good grief she was clueless, but it added hilarity to my day.
Toblog's picture: I am waxing sentimental about Joshua Tree. It might not be the same this year (hint hint Peter).
Who's that fat bastard you're climbing with? How the hell did he haul his fat ass up there?
What's more, tell that tub-o-lard the dang rope is falling out of his brake hand and his superhero buddy is about to fall to his doom, pulling said rolly-polly off the cliff with him.
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