I remember in elementary school being very aware of St. Patrick's day. Not only was the one day a year when I was allowed to drink whiskey, but it was a day to wear my best green outfit to avoid being pinched or worse. St. Patty's day was more salient on my mind then was perhaps healthy for a 8-15 year old. I have distinct memories of looking at clothes during the annual school clothes purchase and thinking, "I could use this for St. Patrick's day." This is in August mind you, a good 7 months before the weird day. It was so salient to me that I would make sure I slept with some sort of green whether it was my undies or jammies I made sure I had something green on so I would be immune to pinches the day of. My brothers were terribly ruthless. If you didn't have green on for a second, you were tweaked.
In my later years I got a little bit sassy I suppose. I started wearing green boxer shorts and no visible green on my outer layers. This way, people would pinch me and then I would show them my hidden green and, due to local custom, I would pinch them back-hard.
Now I could care less about St. Patrick's Day. I don't think I wore a single pigment of green today. I don't think grocery stores even care about this fine holiday anymore. I don't remember any special candies or decorations. There might have been some colored projects from elementary students but that is about it.
Next year I'm bringing it back. I am going on a pinching rampage and I am wearing green undies to bed.
Toblog's picture could be Ireland, but is is only the backside of Grandeur Peak in UT.
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