Monday, November 27, 2006

The mysteries of Utah

I went on a little trip this last Friday and Saturday. I went to the San Rafael Swell (Spelled like the Ninja Turtle but pronounced like the Egyptian Sun God toppling) to do some hiking with my mate Braden. We explored some sandstone canyons and came away satisfied and fulfilled.
The first day we hiked a short hike and went to these two caves, one of which had a skylight arch cleverly named skylight arch. It was really a fascinating place to go and be away from "Stuff." It was cool but not cold, the sun was low, and the sky was blue, the color of deep blue with a hint of yellow that only the Swell gets. It was nice.
The next day we went on a much longer hike that took us through some very narrow narrows indeed. The canyons were gorgeously sculpted by years of erosion into swooping, sweeping designs of nature. Words do no justice. Check these pictures to to see for yourself. I will (and plan) to go back many many times to explore further reaches of this vast geological wonder. As we hiked, it felt like time stood still. Before we knew it we were at the top of the canyon, ready to head down the other side of the loop. This meant we had hiked roughly 4 miles; both of us agreed we felt like it was maybe a mile. This place does weird things to a man.
I ate leftover thanksgiving dinner for my camping meal on Friday night. I just mixed stuffing, potatoes, gravy, turkey, and goopy string beans and cooked them over my stove (the yams were separate because I like it that way thank you very much). What a camping treat. That is all for now.
Picture is from the trip of course. Little wild horse canyon. Not the skinniest section but the most sensuous.

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